Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Then and Now

Whenever I'm unsure of whether I've made artistic progress, I play a game I call "THEN and NOW," in which I compare sketchbook pages from a few years ago to recent ones ... I always win this game. I win the confidence that comes from knowing I HAVE made progress. I may not quite be a pro, but baby I've come a long way. Hope you enjoy:


I didn't really do caricatures in my sketchbook in 2006, but this respectable marker drawing (no pencil beforehand) is the closest thing I found. The 2010 version is from memory, and it caricatures physical features as well as emotions and it describes a relationship. It might be one of my favorite drawings that I have ever done.





1 comment:

  1. Nice work! Your investment has paid off! I love that you revisited some of your old drawings. You have a better understanding of anatomy now.
